As part of the events dedicated to the Day of Russian Science and the campaign “Not a day without Science”, dedicated to the 85th anniversary of V.P. Larionov, on February 6, Anastasia Grigorieva, junior researcher of the Arctic Medical Center of the YSC CMP, conducted a lecture on “Melatonin and its regulatory influence on the human body”” for 9th grade students of the Yakut City Lyceum. During the lecture, it was highlighted that melatonin is a unique hormone and chronobiotic that synchronizes the circadian rhythms of the body. The schoolchildren asked various questions, the topic of the lecture was of great interest to them.
On February 7, 2023, Yakovleva Alexandra Ivanovna, a researcher at the YSC CMP a lecture was held on the topic “The main aspects of a healthy lifestyle” for the 2nd grade students of the Secondary School No. 12, Yakutsk, Prigorodny village, dedicated to the Day of Russian Science and the campaign “Not a day without science”. The lecture was attended by 24 students and the head teacher Ammosova Elena Petrovna. The lecture lasted 30 minutes.
A.I. Yakovleva spoke about the dangers of eating in fast food restaurants, smoking, alcohol and drugs, about the main components of a healthy lifestyle, such as regular sports, daily routine, physical activity, compliance with personal hygiene rules, hardening and proper nutrition. The concepts were given that healthy lifestyle largely depends on a person’s value orientations, his worldview, social and moral experience, level of consciousness and general culture.
On February 10, the researchers of the Laboratory of Biochemical and Immunological research of the Department Of Epidemiology Of Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases of YANC KMP made reports and held a conversation in the Republican School (College) of R.M. Dmitriev Olympic Reserve. Okhlopkova Elena Dmitrievna, Candidate of Biological Sciences, senior researcher made a report on the topic “The role of hormones in the human body”, Konstantinova Lena Ivanovna, Candidate of Biological Sciences, researcher made a report on “The role of vitamins in sports”.
Totally of 34 people including students and teachers of the school took part in the lecture.