Within the framework of the "Not a day without Science" campaign dedicated to the 85th anniversary of Academician V.P. Larionov and the Day of Russian Science, the staff of the Laboratory of Hereditary Pathology of the Department of Molecular Genetics of the YSC CMP conducted master classes on molecular genetic methods for schoolchildren.

A total of 37 high school students from 5 schools of Yakutsk participated in these master classes (Yakutsk City Lyceum, Gymnasium "Center for Global Education", Secondary School No. 1, Secondary School No. 9, Secondary School No. 17).

The students listened to an introductory lecture by the leading researcher of the Department of Medical Genetics , Ph.D. Pavlova N.I. about hereditary diseases, the work of genetic laboratories. Junior researchers A.A. Bocharov and A.V. Krylov conducted master classes on teaching schoolchildren the method of DNA isolation and determining the quality and quantity of DNA.

We express our gratitude to the school administrations, heads of specialized classes and students for their active participation!