Head of the Laboratory
Pshennikova Vera Gennadievna.
Theme and research areas of the laboratory:
Genetic-demographic study of the population of the RS (Ya)
List of dissertations of the Laboratory of Molecular Genetics:
- Suhomyasova AL “Autosomal dominant myotonic dystrophy in the Republic Sakha (Yakutia)” thesis for the degree of candidate of medical sciences, 03.02.07 – Genetics, Institute of Medical Genetics, Siberian Branch of Medical Sciences (Tomsk, 2005).
- Danilova AL «Genetic and demographic studies of the Sakha (Yakutia) population ” thesis for the degree of candidate of biological sciences, specialty 03.02.07 – genetics, Cancer Research Center of SB RAMS ( Tomsk, 2009 ).
- Egorova IR, PhD “Microbe – inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract in infants with prenatal risk factors,” thesis for the degree of candidate of medical sciences, 03.02.07 – genetics, Siberian State Medical University ( Tomsk, 2010).
- Solov’eva N.A. “Clinico-functional and genetic characteristics of bronchial asthma in Yakut children” – “Pediatrics” and “Genetics”, SEI HPE “Siberian State Medical University” (Tomsk, 2010).