REGULATION on the procedure for spending funds from RFBR grants by recipients of grants, for which, the YSC CMP is the organization, providing the conditions for the implementation of a research project (grant)
Operator policy on personal data processing
Order on the appointment to the post of Director of FSBSI YSC CMP Romanova A.N.
Order No. 328 dated 06/30/2015 on the reorganization of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “Yakut Science Centre of Complex Medical Problems” in the form of affiliation of the Federal State Budgetary Health Institution Hospital of the Yakut Science Centre SB RAS
Regulations on the procedure for the election of the director of the YSC CMP
Agreements and Cooperation Agreements
Order on the “Regulations on the Tender Commission and the procedure for holding a competition for the posts of researchers in the Federal State Budgetary Institution “Yakut Science Centre of Complex Medical Problems (YSC CMP)”
On approval of the “Regulations on the competition commission and the procedure for holding a competition for the posts of research workers at the Federal State Budgetary Institution“ Yakut Science Centre of Complex Medical Problems ( YSC CMP)”
Proposals for the transfer of employees to an effective contract